Sunday, November 3, 2013

Optmize IDM to urge stronger download!

In this post i will be able to allow you to understand that you simply will optimize your Internet Download Manager (IDM) speed/performance even better!

Ok, lets start....

When you build any transfer from IDM, IDM itself connects eight| servers of the positioning from wherever you're downloading the info (means it downloads the info into 8 parts). Which can be aforesaid stronger however to build it more stronger we are going to make IDM to attach to sixteen servers..........

To do so, follow the directions below with the screenshots:

1. Open IDM and click on on options.

2. Currently click on the "Connection" tab.

3. Select "LAN 10Mbs" from "Connection Type/Speed".

4. At last, from "Default max. conn. number" select sixteen & then click on "OK".

You are done currently IDM can build sixteen connections to the transfer web site once out there and your transfer are going to be optimized!

Wajahat Hussain

This post is created by Wajahat Mahar. He is the owner of MrWajih39 Tutorials. He is managing 2 blogs and a Youtube channel from his living room since 3 years. He loves to wirte on web based tricks to share it.


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