Monday, December 23, 2013

Open ISO files without burning them onto DVD!

Hey friends, today during this tutorial I'll be providing you a short description on how you can open/extract the ISO files that you have got downloaded from the internet with none of burning them to the CDs or DVDs.

Yes, there are some ways to do this job however the foremost used and easiest method is PowerISO. PowerISO is a software package with a inbuilt virtual drive, which can mount ISO files and different CD / DVD image files. This suggests whenever you wish a file within a ISO file or the other image file to open/extract that require burning you'll merely mount them.

How to use PowerISO:
There are three ways to mount any media or data using PowerISO but I will explain you only two of them.
Screenshots will help to illustrate the steps.

Way no.1 :

1.Open PowerISO.

2.Now click on Mount.

3.Window will popup, now select the file you want to mount and click on "Open".

4.Your file is now mounted now it's turn to run the file!

Way no.2:

1. Goto the location of ISO file you want to mount.

2. Right-click on the file and then in options in PowerISO select "Mount to drive"

3. Now in "My Computer" simply open the drive created by PowerISO.

This was the way through which you can open/extract ISO or any other image files without any need of burning them to discs.

To Download PowerISO:

Name of the file is changed because of some poilicies but don't worry the content inside is real!

Mediafire: Link 1
Mega:       Link 2
Box:         Link 3

Specific Terms:
ISO : An image which is an archive file of an optical disc.
Mount : It takes place before a computer burn any kind of storage device.
Burning : To write data on optical discs such as CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Disc

Wajahat Hussain

This post is created by Wajahat Mahar. He is the owner of MrWajih39 Tutorials. He is managing 2 blogs and a Youtube channel from his living room since 3 years. He loves to wirte on web based tricks to share it.


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